A LOT HAS CHANGED! (Devlog #3 v.19.05.22)

Apparently my dev log rota is every 2 months it seems, I was going to suggest I improve updates however the deadline is fast approaching. A LOT HAS CHANGED! and of course it would have when you haven't updated in 2 months but such is life.

All intended game mechanics and loops are in place, all that's left to do is polish, polish, and more polish! And also tweaking as well. I've had the chance to do some minimal testing with some helpful students from the course below me. It gave me insight on what people inherently liked about the game and also shed light on areas that could use improvement. The main issue was player comprehension of what was happening, for the most part I felt my game is quite readable however there are parts where players are unsure of what/how to do something and thus either a prompt or an adjustment to controls is needed to make it more consistent and readable.

Along with adding features I have also gone back and heavily modified old features to increase their flexibility and efficiency, for example the cart manager:

Get Supply Run

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